Orlando Chirino y José Bodas solidarios con trabajadores de Wisconsin en lucha
South Central Federation of Labor
1602 S. Park St. #228
Madison WI 53715
Telefono: (608) 256-5111
Correo: TheFed@scfl.org
Estimados camaradas
De South Central Federation of Labor:
South Central Federation of Labor
1602 S. Park St. #228
Madison WI 53715
Telefono: (608) 256-5111
Correo: TheFed@scfl.org
Estimados camaradas
De South Central Federation of Labor:
Trabajadores de Wisconsin
Hemos estado siguiendo a través del Boletín de Informaciones Internacionales y página de la Unidad Internacional de Trabajadores (Cuarta Internacional) www.uit-ci.org y del movimiento obrero clasista de Venezuela www.laclase.info vuestra valiente lucha en defensa de los derechos sindicales y de los trabajadores en general, que enfrenta al derechista y prepotente gobernador Walker y a toda la legislación antisindical y contra los trabajadores que existe en vuestro país.
Como dirigentes sindicales clasistas queremos expresarles toda nuestra solidaridad. Necesitamos explicar a nuestros propios camaradas trabajadores la enorme importancia que tiene la lucha de nuestros hermanos de clase, los trabajadores de Estados Unidos. Estamos convencidos que la lucha de los trabajadores es internacional y que los avances en organización, consciencia y lucha de los trabajadores de Estados Unidos, ayudará enormemente a la lucha contra la explotación de los trabajadores en todo el mundo.
¡Viva la lucha de los trabajadores de Wisconsin!
¡No a ninguna sanción y despido!
¡Respeto a sus derechos sindicales!
Orlando Chirino, dirigente nacional de C-CURA (Corriente Clasista Unitaria Revolucionaria y Autónoma)- www.laclase.info – Venezuela
South Central Federation of Labor
1602 S. Park St. #228
Madison WI 53715
Telefono: (608) 256-5111
Correo: TheFed@scfl.org
Dear Colleagues
From South Central Federation of Labor:
Wisconsin Workers
We have been following your courageous struggle in defence of union rights and workers in general through these web sites: the International Information Bulletin, the International Workers Unity (Fourth International) www.uit-ci.org and www.laclase.info published by Venezuela’s classist.labor movement.
Workers in Wisconsin are fighting an anti-union legislation imposed by Governor Walker, an arrongant right winger. Their fight opposes similar legislations throughout the United States. We are in solidarity with workers in Wisconsin just as we are in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya who rebelled against dictatorships in defense of their rights.
As working class union leaders, we want to express our full solidarity with your struggle. We need to explain to our own fellow workers the enormous importance of the struggle of our working-class brothers and sisters in the United States. We believe that the workers’ struggle is an international stuggle and that any advance in organization, conciousness and struggles of U.S. workers will greatly help the fight against the exploitation of workers worldwide. We will continue spreading the news about your struggle and calling for international solidarity.
Long live the struggle of workers in Wisconsin!
No to any sanction or dismissal from work!
Respect for trade union rights including the right to strike!
Signed by:
Orlando Chirino, National Coordinator of Unitary Revolutionary and Autonomous Classist Current (C-CURA).- Venezuela
José Bodas, General Secretary of Venezuela’s United Federation of Oil Workers , Gas, and Its Derivatives (FUTPV) .